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Our Services At your disposal

You can request a totally free consultation on any of our services.

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

With our TSP, A.I Plataforma (Artificial Intelligence) you can personalize your educational experience, recommend content and help you better understand topics through our exclusive platform for Federal Employees.

TSP Distribution Options

Learn about the alternatives you have to distribute your TSP funds in a Guaranteed manner and without having to liquidate the account in to the TSP or in a Rollover .

Federal Employees Group Life Insurance

It stands for Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance, which is a life insurance program for federal employees in the United States. It offers several types of life insurance coverage, including Basic, Option A (Standard Optional), Option B (Additional Optional), and Option C (Family Optional) coverage.

Office Of Personnel Management

Receive guidance from our expert completely FREE on how to fill the forms for your retirement with OPM or USPS LITEBOOK. Access and download the forms to begin your retirement process.

Department Of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Disability Compensation is a tax-free financial benefit provided to veterans who have disabilities resulting from diseases or injuries that were incurred or aggravated during active military service.


Learn about qualified rollovers facilitate the seamless transfer of retirement funds from one account to another without triggering taxes or penalties for early withdrawal.


We are proud to offer a suite of financial services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of USPS employees.

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